Safety Guide for your Pets - Winter Hazard -

Safety Guide: Even though they may be indoors, you’re dogs still need to get outside.  With winter comes shorter days and darker nights.  For this reason, it is a good idea to get them (as well as yourself) some reflective wear whether it be a leash, collar, or coat to be more visible during nighttime walks.     
But what about that salt?  
For many pets, the salt can be irritating causing an almost burning like sensation.  If they happen to be more curious, eating the salt can also be toxic causing increased thirst, vomiting, and even convulsions or kidney damage in larger amounts.  There are pet safe forms for your driveway but a city won’t likely be using this on sidewalks & roadways.  Consider boots for your dogs or make sure that you wipe their feet before coming in the house.
 As a last reminder, for all those stray cats outdoors looking for a warm place, don’t forget to knock on your car hood or check inside before you get a start on your day.  I hope that you all will have a safe and healthy winter season!  Stay warm!!