The Beneficts of Power Raking

Power raking is the process of cutting swathes into the dead material of lawns to remove dead grass so the soil can breathe and the grass can grow more efficiently. Power raking differs from dethatching in extent. While dethatching tears deeply into the soil, removing both dead layers and healthy root systems, power raking is a gentle process design to tear out only the grass material at the surface of the soil.

A power raker is a specific type of machine equipped with roto-tiller-like blades that are intended to be used on lawns. It is about the size of a lawnmower, often larger, and many homeowners rent them from local landscaping services. The blades are set to turn just on the surface of the lawn, so that they dig into the grass bed and dead material covering the soil without actually digging it up. Power rakers produce a layer of detritus and a normal raking is often done afterwards.

Raking should groom, not damage, your spring lawn as it wakes.
Raking the lawn each spring is one of those tasks done by habit by homeowners. Before the days of mulching mowers and leaf blowers, raking was one way to keep thatch at bay and remove winter’s debris, but nowadays, machines have replaced muscle power in many lawn-grooming tasks. Spring raking can still be helpful in maintaining a neat lawn -- if you know how to use your rake to best effect.

Power raking removes the buildup of thatch under a lawn.
Power raking removes thatch, a tight mat of dead rhizomes, stems and roots, which builds up under the surface of a lawn. Some thatch is beneficial to lawns, but too much blocks water, air and nutrients from reaching the soil. If thatch gets thicker than 1/2 inch deep, the roots grow in the thatch instead of the soil.

Preparing your lawn, the Spring is the best season to do it.
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Preparing your plants for Spring!

Our spring weather is here to stay and now we can plant those flowers and vegetables without worrying about another freeze.
Plant out daffodils, lilies, crocus, hyacinth and any other bulbs
Early spring is the time to set out bulbs which were forced in pots or bowls in the house. Some may bloom next spring, others may take two or three years to rebuild enough food reserve to support flowering.

Time for Plant your Perennials: 
The springtime is the best season for plant some perennials flowers in your garden. All the conditions that perennials relish and respond to are in place: warming soil, warm sunshine, longer days, moist ground, and regular rainfall. Roots quest into the ground, taking up water and nutrients to fuel growth, and top growth — foliage, stems, and flowers — surges forth.

Healthy soil for healthy         vegetables:
Container gardening is also the easy way to start growing your favorites vegetables on windowsills, balconies, decks even if you dont'n have  an outside garden plot.

Instead of using chemicals based soil and fertilizers, go for natural composts like dried leaves and flowers. Always keep the soil healthy for gardening vegetables in the spring season. Begin composting from late fall to build up proper soil. When the soil becomes moist, dig the compost and add well-rooted manure before you plant the spring vegetables.

Enjoy your Spring season!!

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